SEO Chatter

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Daily Boost: December 8, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Many of the top bloggers in the world are fanatical about content quality. They're not just churning out C- content hoping something sticks. Instead, they create A+
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Daily Boost: December 7, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Why do people you admire the most always seem to be winning no matter what they do? It's not magic. Winners just outwork everyone else. Want to be a winner too? Work
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Daily Boost: December 6, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Don't be a copycat. Copycats are always losers. As a copycat, you'll never be ahead of the competition but always one step behind. Originality is always worth more
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Daily Boost: December 5, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: The better your content's on-page SEO, the fewer backlinks you typically need to rank—granted the page meets user search intent. Don't believe the hype that more
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Daily Boost: December 4, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Just like gardening, websites depend on good "soil" to thrive. With all other things being equal, good soil equals success and poor soil results in failure.
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Daily Boost: December 3, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: If you don't love what you do, then you won't do it with enough passion. And obsessive passion is what leads to ultimate happiness and success. If you're not
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Daily Boost: December 2, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: What you imagine is what you create. If you imagine a successful website, then you'll naturally do things that help make it a success. But if you imagine a failing
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Daily Boost: December 1, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: A lesson I learned the hard way so you don't have to: Short-term thinking brought about by impatience leads to panic and busy work. And busy work doesn't move the
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Daily Boost: November 30, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Want to take your website to the next level? Then you need to care more about your visitors than the profits. When your heart is focused on helping people first, success
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Daily Boost: November 29, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: The answer for what to write and how to write it for SEO comes directly from Google's search engine. Google is showing you the bar to beat for each keyword in the top 10
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Daily Boost: November 28, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Do the right thing enough times and the results will take care of themselves. Never underestimate the massive power of your compounding inputs. Something to read: Simple ways
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Daily Boost: November 27, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Every genius is dedicated to self-education. Yes, they work hard, but they also put a lot of time into expanding their skill set by learning new things about their craft.
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Daily Boost: November 26, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: An easy success framework for the website solopreneur: Set daily goals. Practice daily focus. Experience daily results. Something to read: A complete Reddit SEO strategy to
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Daily Boost: November 25, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Having a portfolio of websites is all the rave these days. But before you jump into it, think about this: a portfolio of sites often requires a team to make it work, which
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Daily Boost: November 24, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Some flashy SEO gurus try to sell you on the idea of creating a crazy silo structure for your website. Supposedly, it's the best way to rank. But you want to know what?
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Daily Boost: November 23, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: It took Thomas Edison 1000 tries to invent the working light bulb. When Edison was asked about it, he replied "I didn't fail 1000 times. The light bulb was an
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Daily Boost: November 22, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Strong websites are not built with shortcuts. Sure, there are some SEO tricks you can use to rank higher, but those rankings won't last if your content is weak. A
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Daily Boost: November 21, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Don't always assume your website competitors know what they're doing. They may just be copying the crowd. And a copy... of a copy... of a bad copy... will be a major
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Daily Boost: November 20, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Want to know an important traffic metric for some of the most successful websites? A high return visitor rate. The best-ranking brands tend to have a return visitor rate of
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Daily Boost: November 19, 2022

​ ​ ​ Something to ponder: Imagine that tomorrow you shifted your thinking from: "How can I scale up this website faster with SEO to make more money?" To: "How can I scale up this